About VRN

Veterans Radio Net

The NAAFI of the Airwaves

So, whats it all about?  It's about our Veterans, “You” having a place to come together, have a laugh, make some new friends and meet some old one's, just like the Breakfast Clubs. You know what it's like, the Navy take the mic out of the Army and the RAF, the Army take the mic out of the Navy and the RAF and the RAF, well they go back to their 5 star Hotel and cry into their Pimms, thats what we do.

But it's more than that, as another tool in the social media mix it's a place to get “hands on” and make a difference.  It's about FAMILY.  It's Your radio station, your place to have a voice, if you or someone you know has a problem.  Who better to ask than “your Brothers and Sisters, your Family”  We have and will continue to offer support and advice to any Veteran or family member and one BIG thing we have found is that there a very few “New problems” out there, it's more than likely that any problem your faceing others have/are facing similar and finding ways to sort it. 

Veterans Radio Net is a user led platform that can take that can take our problems, one at a time and working together work out a solution.